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8:00 - 9:00 am: Registration
9:00 - 9:30 am: Welcome
9:30 - 10:30 am: Keynote
10:30 - 11 :00 am : Break
11:00 – 11:45 pm: Concurrent Session #1
12:00 – 1:15 pm: Lunch
1:30 – 2:15 pm: Concurrent Session #2
2:30 – 3:15 pm : Concurrent Session #3
3:15 - 3:30 pm: Break
3:30 – 4:15 pm: Breakout user group session 1
4:30 – 6:00 pm: Exhibit Fair with sponsors
8:30 – 9:30 am: Continental Breakfast
9:30: 9:45: Welcome + updates
9:45 – 10:30 am: Concurrent Session #4
10:45 – 11:30 am: Breakout user group session 2
11:45 – 1:00 pm: Lunch
1:15 – 2:00 pm: Breakout user group session 3
2:15 – 3:00 pm: Concurrent Session # 5
3:15 – 4:00 pm: Wrap up & Tour TMU testing facilities
Emily Anne Opala, Knowledge and Research Lead for the Centre for Innovation in Campus Mental Health will be presenting the keynote address focusing on Mental Health.
Abstract: A physical return to campus has finally become a reality almost three years into the COVID-19 pandemic. The process of planning a safe return has not been easy as our institutions continue to navigate the dynamic nature of the pandemic and the federal and provincial policies surrounding it. Planning a safe return to campus involves carefully considering the diverse needs of various students and staff members that this transition affects. This session will cover the potential mental health implications and considerations as we transition back to the physical campus.
Title: Indigenizing English Assessments: Process, Delivery and Content
Presenters: Maureen Niwa, English Placement Counsellor & English Faculty; Vivian Fayowski, Faculty Leader of Assessment & Testing and Wendy McDonald, Indigenous Advisor (recently retired), Indigenous Education & Community Connections, Camosun College
Abstract: In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, Canadian post-secondary institutions are decolonizing curriculum, teaching materials, student support services, and administrative processes. Similarly, English assessment as a testing tool—in terms of its process, delivery, and content—requires decolonization. Indigenized English assessments can provide a choice for a more inclusive, culturally appropriate and authentic assessment experience for Indigenous or non-Indigenous students who are upgrading their English, or entering post-secondary programs. Sharing the best practices of Camosun College’s Indigenized English assessment process in this session, we will also explore what an English assessment tool might look like by using an Indigenous lens. This presentation will gauge interest in designing a future Indigenized English assessment to improve inclusivity and equity in post-secondary admissions. The Canadian Test Centre has confirmed preliminary interest in developing such a tool, acknowledging that its design and content will rely on the national expertise and knowledge of Indigenous experts and educators. If such a tool is desired, CHETA members and associated institutional members are invited to consider the idea of forming a national Steering Committee to advance this project
Title: Improving Testing and Learning with Adaptive Software: ALEKS in a First-Year Math Course
Panelists: Dr. Robert McKeown, Assistant Professor & Student Numeracy Assistance Centre Director, York University; Dr. Andrew Skelton, Associate Professor, York University and Andres Krisch, Senior National Enterprise Solutions Manager, McGraw Hill
Abstract: Join us for a panel discussion on how ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) is enhancing student preparedness for math courses. Our panelists will share their experiences using ALEKS to prepare students for post-secondary math courses and their overall math proficiency. Additionally, we will discuss how ALEKS can be used to accurately place students in appropriate math courses and streamline the math placement process. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about ALEKS and its impact on student preparedness and success.
Title: The Evolution of Fairness in Language Testing
Presenter: Trish Coles, Chair, ESL Department, Centennial College & Aryan Aryanpour, Precise Solutions
Abstract: Previous considerations of fairness in assessment were focused primarily on the level of difficulty and reliability. Currently, however, every stage in the lifecycle of a test from designing, administering, and scoring to interpretation of results must pass the test of fairness. Fairness is an essential quality of every assessment and a requirement for the ethical practice of educational assessment, which in turn contributes to the broader matter of social justice. Using the collaboration between Precise Solutions and Centennial College on the development of an English Admission test as a model, this presentation will discuss ways to enhance fairness in testing that includes:
Title: Practicing Partnership Makes Perfect
Presenters: Courtney Habara, Project Engagement & Testing Manager, Durham College & Margaret Greenfield, Vice President - Business Development, Examity
Abstract: Henry Ford once said “Coming together is the beginning, staying together is a process, and working together is success”. In 2022, Durham College’s, Corporate Training Services department joined up with Examity, a leader in online proctoring, to securely deliver their high-stakes online certification exams. Through a focus on data, communication, shared business goals, and of course, test security, these partners worked to overcome the common hurdles facing new vendor relationships to develop an optimal testing experience. Join Courtney Habara from Durham College and Margaret Greenfield from Examity as they share best practices learned from honing their business partnership within the context of high-stakes test delivery. The discussion will cover topics such as supporting multiple language options, establishing joint KPIs, 360 communication strategies, empowering remote Proctors, with time for questions from the audience. Attendees will walk away with insights on how to turn their vendors into partners and overcome the challenges of moving from in-person to online test delivery.
Title: A Conversation about Conversations – Demystifying online delivery of the ACCUPLACER test
Presenters: Margaret Greenfield, Vice President, Education, Examity; Walter Ciupa, Assessment Director, Centennial College & Kathie Montognese, Senior Director of Outreach – ACCUPLACER, College Board
Abstract: Join us for an exciting discussion where leaders from Examity, College Board, and Centennial College share 360 degree insights into the most common questions we’ve fielded about online delivery of the ACCUPLACER assessment. This discussion will cover topics such as addressing test anxiety, accommodations, demystifying online proctoring, and efficacy of online VS in-person delivery. Attendees will learn best practices for addressing these important questions both proactively and in real-time. There will also be time to address questions from the audience. Finally, with an eye to the future of online testing, learn how these organizations are using stakeholder feedback to prepare for the evolution of online delivery.
Title: Standardizing effort verification to improve learning outcome
Presenter: Rajnish Kumar, Co-Founder, CEO, Verificient Technologies
Abstract: Traditional education and accreditation have been focused on standardized testing as a way to validate the skillset, and this has been very helpful in meeting the market needs in terms of being scalable and accessible. However, does it also meet the needs of learners? Arguments can be made that learners today are more distracted, more busy, and more eager to take shortcuts to pass standardized testing, leading to less satisfaction with the process and often poor test results. No wonder that many universities are dropping testing requirements altogether. This talk will present a case for validating and accounting for the actual effort, in terms of assignments, attendance, engagement, etc put towards learning in the actual grade or accreditation. Past research has shown that effort does produce better outcomes, so this talk will explore how to make the effort validation scalable and accessible just like standardized testing to benefit both learners as well as the institutions
Title: Test Centre of your Dreams
Presenter: Piers Smettem, Assessment Specialist, Red River College Polytechnic (RRC); Nadia Rusan, Testing Supervisor, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and Lina Thomson, Assessment Administrator, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).
Abstract: What would the test centre of your dreams look like? If you have recently moved into a new centre, or are planning to, this could be an excellent session for you to attend. This session will be spent designing the blueprint of an ideal test centre that seats 50 candidates. We will discuss and apply the fundamental principles of an effective test centre, share some eye-opening recent experiences, consider the differences between planning and actuality, and discuss processes and strategies to manage change in a testing environment. We will discuss the following areas:
Title: Correlation analysis of admission test and in program performance
Presenter: Shannon Murphy, Manager, Testing Services & Patricia Stamplecoski, Test Centre Operations Office, Algonquin College
Abstract: Algonquin College uses a Health Program Admission Test (AC-HPAT) for ranking of applicants to highly competitive health disciplines. The test is comprised of four subtests covering writing, reading, arithmetic and science. A longitudinal study was conducted to look at the correlation between applicant performance in their program and their performance on the subtests. The composition of the exam was edited based on this feedback and accessibility was improved as a result.
Title: The NCTA Proctor Certification Exam
Presenter: Cindy L James, CHETA President & Principal Coordinator, TRU Assessment Centre
Abstract: In this session, participants will learn about the National College Testing Association (NCTA) Proctor Certification Exam which is designed to evaluate and certify proctors who adhere to proctoring best practices. During this session, information about the purpose, topics, format, access, timing, and cost associated with the NCTA Proctor Certification Exam will be shared. Throughout the presentation, participants will be encouraged to ask any questions related to this exam
Title: Humber College, RegisterBlast, and the Vendor Assessment Process
Presenters: Dylan Ayres, Coordinator, Testing Services, Humber College & RegisterBlast Team
Abstract: Humber College Testing Services required a scheduling solution to improve workflow and processing time. This presentation will highlight the vendor assessment process Humber College utilized, how RegisterBlast became the solution, and the setup and implementation process. Come and engage with Humber College and RegisterBlast as we look at these crucial steps in vendor acquisition and learn how we use the RegisterBlast platform daily
The breakout sessions provide participants with an opportunity to discuss ideas, issues and experiences with other users (current and/or potential) of tests and/or testing services provided by various sponsors. These sessions may start with a short overview of tests or services offered by the sponsors.
Sponsors Scheduled/Participating
Breakout session 1: Thursday 3:30 to 4:15 pm
1A) Vretta
1B) RegisterBlast
Breakout session 2: Friday 10:45 – 11:30 am
2A) Precise Solutions
2B) McGraw Hill
2C) Verificient Technologies
Breakout session 3: Friday 1:15 – 2:00 pm
3B) Examity
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